- on our 4hr return boat trip! glup!
- OMG, a pile of underwater gear!
- now wheres nemo?
- not to mention schools
- not to mention enough Scuba Mags reading for at least a year!
- not to mention a 4 hr boat ride from civilisation too!
- nope I didn't fart!
- Non other then by Leeway's very own Director Mr George Lee!
- no night dive yet...
- Next came the 5min suit-up challenge
- nevertheless we spotted a craby critter on the jetty pillars
- nevertheless a nice group pic opportunity
- NAUI Scuba Diving group 17Mar - 19Mar 06!
- my camera ain't very good at night, neither being able to catch the spectacular night star formations.
- must look gArAng.. even with tank (urrgh) at back... urrgh!
- more sea cucumber goodies!
- more coconuts & beaches...
- mm thats an interesting rock face
- mind the pic, my hands were hungrily trembling! (shown as sotong, wings, hotdogs, bbq fish, satay, beehoon, cumber/onions)
- me wishes for better underwater camera
- me & our divemaster by the sea bed corals
- me & my dive buddy, Ridzwan
- love the untouched wilderness & shorelines
- look we found a Jonathan! (our ex Track member)
- lets begin the quest!
- KG Sebukang at 6.45am
- its a self containted little village!
- It reads Adventure Underwater Resort btw...
- it it won't for these photos, I would be underwater already!
- interior shot of our chalet huts (finally we can turn on the aircon!)
- I see a diver with my little eye
- I just had to stop choosing gear with matching colors!
- I choose a ScubaPro Regulator, my fav!
- guess whose feet is who's?
- group picture with the SGrunners
- group pic at 43 floors (well literally)
- giant stride leap
- fourty-three?
- farewell Sebukang, farewell Aur!
- farewell pic to the island before departure
- enjoying the moment...
- diveboat ready
- dive buddy Ridzwan & KZ
- dig us! woohaha (:X)
- deja-vu!
- deep exploration starts
- coral reef exploration
- coral hide & seek
- catchin' up on the past diving groups photos (who left their mark here)
- bwarrr head to big!