- nice early morning walk
- Peili presenting a token of appreciation to Lisa's Dad for the trip
- The day followed by a visit to the brastagi market
- theres horses, not to mention loads of natural landmines everywhere
- and we even get to ride some back at the resort
- the stand-by us-ers with Lisa's Dad
- a farewell shot before leaving the highlands
- with spectacular scenery
- our last night at one of the 'fast food' coffeeshops with more NasiAyam!
- it's farewell at the airport after our last fellowship dinner with the hosts
- we couldn't stop taking pictures here...
- our flight back to Singapore
- all board!
- Thats all folks, the Rotaract Club 06 Medan Trip!
- Merdeka walk
- The Tamil Temple Visit
- A night to remember!
- a singing performance!
- more balloons!
- Hangman games with secondary classes