- The museums's gothic look does grow on you
- especially the more you look at it
- That's all folks at the national history museum!
- The ice rink just outside the natural history museum
- What's in for dinner?
- Pizzzaa...
- Did I say pizzzzzzzaa?
- No pizza survived prior this photo was taken
- Mobile loos anyone?
- Even the cameras have pigeon spikes on them... niffy
- A brand new shopping day at Oxford street!
- Feels just like a orchard road. :P
- Only thing that most stuff are at 50% off
- Did I mention it was a Christmas sale?
- Crowds everywhere!
- Bonk photo in the middle of the roads.
- It was a damp day, but didn't stop us much!
- No guessing 007 was here
- Escalator race!
- Here we are at Covent gardens!
- Because the signs says so!
- Stations are really good landmarks in case you get lost
- The place is buzzing with christmas shoppers too
- Some of the nice corner pubs
- Here we are at the covert marketplace
- The shopping arcade at the gardens
- some of the fancy architecture
- It's christmas with lighted raindeer!
- Overview of the broadwalks
- The place is served by many nearby tube stations too
- The place is home to many good pubs and eateries
- The market's main entrance where street performances are plenty
- inside the market
- A street performer inside the market grounds
- As darkness falls the place lights up beautifully
- The reindeer is no exception too!
- The skies no limit!
- The drizzle definitely didn't dampen any shopping spirit!
- The place is still packed!
- Covert gardens underground is known for these...
- medival lifts which are the only way into...
- ...the deep bowels of the underground
- A train ready to leave the station
- Eston rail station, serving the northen train routes
- The larger, central line stations
- Departure day, & a morning shot to begin with!
- Our apartment for the stay
- Backpack all loaded & ready to rock!
- Random skyline photo
- Mmm it snowed?