18th to 21st May 2007

- all peaceful and quiet
- on the next league of our journey, we will all see lunch!
- before ending up...
- me bag ain't getting any lighter everyday!
- music up! lets go!
- the toilets here are really Sazzy! Really! and they speak too!
- more of the distant wetdocks
- adding a nice touch of luxury
- mosquito baits check!
- raww I am the evil pigeon, fear my death ray!
- next up - ultra long stretchs of road at a go
- and man is everyone's burnt!
- even the pub is now all peaceful
- passing along the Singapore Arts District
- here we have huts burnt from lighting and ponies as well!
- bye pasir ris park, next stop, the north west!
- sebas with a typical case of heato-robic-seletar-pobia
- from Yishun park, our next stop...
- random shipyard crane
- now you see it
- and it's rest time as the night grows later
- this picture looks so perfect I just have to post it here
- ready with gettaway bikes just outside
- a photo for a photo!
- a sight to behold
- where we all had lunch!
- the place is rather buzzing with activity
- gearing up for the next league of the journey
- no wonder!
- Sembawang Park! Finally!
- here is how the bait for crab traps are set
- now you don't!
- tomorrow's will be the final league of the expedition
- again, the yard which never sleeps
- & an ambulances you won't want to be in.
- we saw the last stretch up towards marsling kranji area
- trees swaying in the morning breeze
- the bunsen burner beats lighting soild fuel to cook in front of an MRT station!
- & I spy with my little eye...
- emergency muscle rub!
- one of our regular walk pitstops
- and the home of Bustops with black leather seats
- back to out camp site
- chefs special!
- in a flash the park is full in quiet tranquility in the night
- view of the beach from the jetty
- not to mention finding a new direction
- before officially ending the expedition with a debrief at the MRT station itself
- day 2, all up at 7am
- and more lunch!