Home / Photos / Places / United Kingdom / Alton Towers Theme Park 198
No roller coaster is too scary for me! One of the premiering theme parks located in Alton, Staffordshire, England, this theme park is home to various iconic rides such as Oblivion, Air, Rita, 13 and my favorite inverted coaster to date, the Nemesis.

- The Sonic Spinball whizzer in Adventure Land, sponsored by SEGA
- Alton towers here we are!
- 2 out of place thumbs
- :3 yummy
- A car departing the station
- A car making the climb
- with lots of videos& vending machines :P leading up to the station
- A B&M diving machine & the world's first vertical drop roller coaster.
- You gotta be kidding me! :3
- Golf challenge anyone?
- Heading to the lost forest!
- Awesome?
- The world's first vertical free fall drop coaster :P Oh Rrrrly?
- What ride?
- with free spinning gongolas!
- What G-forces?
- 0-100kph in 2.2 seconds baby!
- X-sector, which could only mean...
- Got golf?
- wait, 2 ducks and a shark?
- Mmm vertical...
- Oo a kiddy coaster!
- More cake goodness!
- Awyee! Who goes there matety!
- into a pit of no return!
- It's essentially a crazy mild mouse
- Bow before the sonic powers!
- Make that 5 dickheads.
- Birdie!
- See the Shaun in the photo?
- Go for the island!
- The pre drop BRAKE!
- The garden exit
- CJ on oblivion!
- A hole in one!
- The ride was walk in the park for Terrence
- Just like the castles in Cambridge!
- Can we get going already?
- Spot the castle?
- Oblivion!
- Too early for a show I guess
- And down they go!
- Leading the way!
- This ride is enterprising!
- yes a pit of no return! wahahaha!
- On the front fields battle galleons
- which has quite a high rider turnover given the number of cars in op too
- Pirates show at the Mutiny bay chow area
- Looks okay to me