Home / Photos / Places / United Kingdom / Alton Towers Theme Park 198
No roller coaster is too scary for me! One of the premiering theme parks located in Alton, Staffordshire, England, this theme park is home to various iconic rides such as Oblivion, Air, Rita, 13 and my favorite inverted coaster to date, the Nemesis.

- Alton towers here we are!
- Time to get cracking!
- The towers street and grand arcade after the entrance
- We are here? :P
- Digging the birthday cake at the end. :P
- :3 yummy
- Lets go there, there and there. And there
- The Alton castle towers themselves in the background
- On the front fields battle galleons
- Say cheese!
- Aihoy pirates and the cable cars!
- The pirate themed Mutiny bay
- Aye matety!
- Place still quiet just after opening
- well at least we can have all the food to ourselves! :P
- Pirates show at the Mutiny bay chow area
- Peekaboo a castle!
- Golf challenge anyone?
- The Sonic Spinball whizzer in Adventure Land, sponsored by SEGA
- It's essentially a crazy mild mouse
- This drop has some serious airtime!
- with free spinning gongolas!
- Even the queue lines are themed with games!
- Heading up the climb!
- bah, no steep drops after the climb :(
- But we get quite alot of roll time!
- talking about rolls, we are hungry after the ride!
- X-sector, which could only mean...
- Oblivion!
- into a pit of no return!
- The screams attract a considerable audience at times. :P
- A B&M diving machine & the world's first vertical drop roller coaster.
- yes a pit of no return! wahahaha!
- Various other flat rides in the X-sector
- The ride entrance
- Theming is rather good,
- with lots of videos& vending machines :P leading up to the station
- A car making the climb
- And down they go!
- The station is packed by very fast moving
- which has quite a high rider turnover given the number of cars in op too
- B&M divers seats 8 per row of 2
- A car departing the station
- And up she goes!
- Anxious riders...
- The exit bend after the tunnel drop before hitting the brake run
- Submission, a heavily themed Chance inverter on a dual config
- though only one is operating
- been on too many variants of this ride to fall asleep on. :P
- Enterprise is not too far off too