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- The highland plains
- Old man in the background
- Bahhh
- highlands= sheep land
- This is really tiring!
- Heeve! Ho!
- climb climb climb
- Got fur?
- Bye Coniston!
- The serene little town
- The clouds follows us everywhere!
- Toilets here?
- Here we are at Coniston!
- In the clouds again!
- That's Shaun in the distance...
- The western rock faces
- Ooleleheehoo! Hear our echoes!
- head in the valley!
- Climbing into the heavens!
- Must get higher!
- Got Windermere?
- The skies off Windermere station
- Make that 5 dickheads.
- Just like the castles in Cambridge!
- The garden exit
- What ride?
- The ride was walk in the park for Terrence
- What G-forces?