- But first a walk by....
- This one is cardiff castle, which we will be visiting soon
- YOu got love the random medieval-ness you can encounter anywhere in the city
- Hey it's a bike stand after all!
- Aneurin Bevan will look more welcoming without poop on his head!
- Shop shops shops
- Back to the city buzz!
- The Cardiff Crown Court
- Another view of the fairgrounds
- The city hall clock tower
- The war memorial
- Oh did I mentioned that we are in Cathays Park?
- Green fluffs
- A framing shot of the University
- Branch, from a tree!
- And another Tree!
- Tree!
- Can't get enough the the greens
- A walk through the Cardiff university grounds
- Another roof shot!
- Random guy by a not so random statue
- The museum atrium
- Ohh nice skylight you have there mista!
- Arghh & we are in the belly of the museum !
- Rawr I am museum I will devour you with my solid pillars!
- And they have a fair currently on!
- The Cityhall and the Cardiff museum
- A walk down the city finds some rather neat food kiosks
- They have quite lots of stuff on sale besides food! Nice!
- Next day, cardiff market!
- Some skateboarders on the streets
- Checking out St David's, a new shopping center
- The place gets the shopping seal of approval!
- There are lots to shop round town
- Feeding time! Steaks with the gang!
- The city lightup for Christmas
- There were screening Les Misérables doing our visit, crowds...
- Especially with the uber lightsticks!
- Can't get more of the hypotic lighting! Donuts.....
- And it's hardly 5pm!
- It gets dark real fast here
- View of the buildings along Parliament square
- Parliament square westminster palace
- A view from afar
- Few of the lifely buskers on the streets
- Big Ben is actually the bell which lives inside the clock tower
- Meet my friend, his name is Ben, he is big.
- Well that's it folks for London, for now at least!
- The war memorial
- Overview of the London Thames night lights